
Start your Award

Start your Award

Doing the Award is a personal challenge; it will push you to your limits and recognise and celebrate your achievements.

Taking part in the Award requires commitment over time but it will give you the opportunity to develop the wider ‘soft’ – or universal – skills which help ensure you are ready for your world.

As an Award participant you will:

Design your own Award
Set your own goals and record your progress
Make a positive impact on the lives of others through community service
Learn valuable practical and social skills for career development
Connect with other Award participants at home and abroad

How to get started

·        Registration: Register yourself under your educational institution if it is already an affiliated partner. If your educational institution is not affiliated with us; then you can join the Award through the Open Award Centre directly managed by us.

·      Determine what level is right for you: The Award is divided into three levels; depending on your age and experience, you may choose to start with Bronze and work your way up, or jump straight to Silver or Gold. Your Award Leader will be able to explain more about the three levels and their requirements.

·        Registration fee: Usually a small registration fee is required to cover the cost of logistics provided to the Award participants and related operations. To know the current fees structure, please contact your affiliated educational institution or with us directly.

·        Plan your Award: Once you have registered, your Award Leader will help you plan your programme of activities. You should also receive a record book/access to an Online Record Book to keep track of your activities.

Already doing the Award

Whether you have submitted each Award section for approval as you have gone along, or are submitting those all at the end, your Award Leader will check and approve those.

Once you have completed your Award, you need to make sure:

·       You have done all your sections for the minimum time required (check with your Award Leader for details); for an hour a week (and the required timescale for the Adventurous Journey section).

·       You have detailed all your evidence in your record book. This may be by paper or on the Online Record Book.

·       Your Assessors have provided reports/comments on your activity, how you met your goals and how you have progressed, and you have added them into your record book.

Once they have approved your final section, they will then send it to your licensed National Award Operator who will check everything is in order.